Saturday, September 16, 2006

Like Baby Killer Whales

One night last week, at about what I would conservatively estimate was three in the morning, L., who was asleep in the pack-and-play at the foot of our bed, woke up. Now L. is a talker when she wakes up- she is content to lie in bed and chat with her mobile or even just herself until someone comes to get her. E., on the other hand, when she wakes up and finds herself without one of her adults, begins to cry in such a way that lets you know that if she was mobile and knew how the phone worked she would be on it to report you to Family and Children’s Services for gross neglect. Anyway, on this particular night E. was asleep in our bed between Rob and me. (If your first thought on hearing this is “I would NEVER allow my child to sleep in my bed, well, then, you have never had two five month olds that you were desperate to keep from waking one another up when one of them began crying. For someone who has been prevented from working out by a twin pregnancy and the subsequent having two babies for the past year, I can move remarkably fast to prevent this from happening). So L was awake and talking, which woke Rob and I up at about the same moment. In the light that comes in from the street outside our house, we could see E. As we watched, she woke up, stretched out and heard L. and gave her huge, gummy smile, obviously delighted to hear L. and started to babble back. L. got quiet and listened and then she started talking again while E listened. They conversed in the dark for probably about five minutes before falling back asleep. Rob commented that it was a lot like listening to killer whales communicating across miles of ocean that you’re always seeing on documentaries. Except in this case, the miles of ocean were about eight feet of queen sized bed and the whales were just two babies who have recently begun discovering the other one. The whole incident reminded me of this picture of E. (taken by Erin) and her stuffed whale her Aunt Erin and Uncle Elliot got her. The other is a picture of L, also taken by Erin that makes me smile.


Seasonal Learner said...

They are such smart girls. They have their own whale like language.

Cornwayites said...

Emily, they are such sweet babies. I wish I could be there to help out with them! You're such a great mommy and they're very lucky to have you....I love their little expressions in the pictures I've seen, and that little story just adds so much to my perception of them. Thank you for the post!

Jennifer C said...

How lucky that they are twins and will always have each other! This is probably just the 1st of their middle of the night conversations...or maybe the 1st that you know of! :)

They're beautiful!

jamie said...

They are so precious & sweet, especially since they both went back to sleep after about 5 minutes...BTW, Samuel has slept between us many times...It's funny what you will do for any amount of sleep!!! :)

Kimberly said...

Emily I feel like I know you even though I'm not sure we've ever met...maybe at our wedding? Anyways, I love looking at pictures of your girls and hearing their sweet stories! Hope to see you guys in person one day!