Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Conversation with My Elder-By-Two Minutes Daughter

E after nap this afternoon:

Here is a recent transcript of a conversation with E:

E (walking into my parent's kitchen where I am cleaning up after dinner, a concerned look on her face: Mama, I need to talk to you.

Me (internally): Now I feel that I've over done the whole "you can always tell mommy whenever you want to talk about anything" bit. I was trying to prepare them to be good communicators with us when they're teenagers. Please let her not already want to talk about boys. I have it on good authority her best friend in Sunday School is a boy named Noah...

(out loud): Okay. Do you want to talk here?

E: (sits down) Sit down on the floor, Mama.

Me: (sitting down facing her) What is on your mind, sweetpea? Have you been thinking about something?

E: Yes. Lawnmowers.

Me: You've been thinking about lawnmowers? (Asked, because, well, you know with two and half year olds it can be hard to tell, plus it's a good therapist technique to indicate that you've heard what someone said by repeating it back to them).

E: Yes.

Me: What have you been thinking about lawnmowers?

E: I don't like them.

Me: You don't like lawnmowers?

E: No. (Gets up).

Me: Did you want to tell me about anything else?

E: No, that's all. (leaves room).

Good talk. I want my children to be in touch with their emotions, but I might be getting more than I was bargaining for that way.

Rob wanted me to mention he feels I'm getting the easy end of the bargain, since for every two pages he writes he has to translate 6 or so pages of documents from the 15th century handwritten in Arabic. He would encourage you to show me no grace for not posting. He and the girls kindly consented to come out of the cave they had spent the better part of the post-afternoon nap time constructing and allowed me to photograph them.


ErinM said...

It's always good to help her feel comfortable now so that next week when she wants to talk about boys, she knows you're there. At least, I'm sure it will feel like it's just next week.

(I had a similar internal reaction when Patrick said "I want to be a girl." It turns out he just wanted to have long hair, but my internal conversation skills went a little haywire.)

Brea said...

So far, so good on the resolve!

Jenni said...

I enjoy that your therapy/mommy skills are being utilized on grass cutters, but I'm slightly annoyed that you are pushing the Sunday School Noah on know how my sons feel about your beauties.

Christy said...

I think that is the best 2-year-old conversation I've ever heard. Love the pictures!

Leanne said...

I love it! What a great conversation!

Unknown said...

I don't really like lawnmowers either.